Saturday, May 18, 2013

Soap Scum Be Gone!

Cleaning the shower seems to be a constant battle for me. I clean the shower and soap scum comes back a week later. We have must have hard water out here in Buckley because I swear we didn't have this issue when we lived in Federal Way. Plus, my husband is a diesel mechanic so he makes some serious nasty black grease marks everywhere. I keep telling him he needs to install a shower in the garage. Maybe one day... a girl can only dream.

Anyways, awhile back I found this post on Pinterest and thought I'd try it out. It seemed like a cheaper and more natural way to clean the shower ...although, I was skeptical as first because it's posted as a recipe on ... but people are weird I guess.

  All the articles I found specifically recommended the blue dawn, so I didn't mess with it. I do know it's the stuff that's used to clean up birds affected by oil spills, so obviously it's tough stuff that's still gentle on your skin. (It also has a cute little penguin on the front of the bottle)

BEWARE!  The first time I tried this I about died coughing! The smell of hot vinegar in a shower stall becomes overwhelming! I usually spray it down while pretty much holding my breath then shut the shower stall door and run away.

Soap Scum Be Gone!

What you will need:
4 oz Distilled White Vinegar (HOT)
4 oz Blue Dawn Dish Soap
Spray Bottle

Step One: Heat up 4oz of vinegar in microwave for 1-1.5 minutes. 

Step Two: Pour 4oz of soap in spray bottle. 
(I use a spray bottle with measurements on the side.)

Step Three: Pour hot vinegar in with soap. Swirl together.
(don't shake too hard or soap will get really sudsy)

Step Four: Spray down entire shower. Let sit for 1-2 hours.
(I usually do 2 hours so it can really work and then I can do other things
like laundry, vacuuming, ... or Pinterest. You know, important stuff.)

Look at this soap scum before I cleaned it! So gross!!!

Step Five: Wipe down with sponge, cloth, etc.
(I like to use these scrubber dish cloths)

Step Six: Rinse, making sure not to completely soak your clothes when the water runs down the wall the way I always do. Oops.

No picture for this. 
I'm not bringing my camera anywhere near water.
I'm far too clumsy.

 Look at the difference!
Since I started doing this I've noticed a huge difference in how quickly the buildup comes back and the effort I put into scrubbing is minimal! Wa-hoooo! (it's funny the things that get me excited now that I'm a housewife! haha)


  1. I love this stuff for cleaning! I have also found that if you wipe your shower walls and tub down with the original 'Skin So Soft' from Avon-it helps in between cleanings and smells nice.

  2. So glad I found this post and will be trying it tomorrow! So Excited!

  3. after you clean them, use RainX in the auto dept
    Spray it on, let it dry, wipe with clean towel... amazing how it keeps it

  4. Don’t try this! If you skip a tile it will have the soap scum on it and the others will be SPARKLING!! I just tiled both bathrooms and what a lifesaver this is going to be!!

  5. Making my second batch - works wonderfully - shower walls are shiny and bright and is it just me or did the shower stay clean longer?? So much better than the chemical cleaners and better for me!! The vinegar leaves a fresh scent as well. Saves money and energy!!
