Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kauai: Day Four

After checking out Kamokila Hawaiian Village on day three, we decided to rent a kayak from them to go find the "secret falls" we kept hearing about on Wailua River. As requested by the guide at the village, we arrived right at the 9am opening to ensure we got a kayak. 

We decided against the guided tour so that we could explore on our own. With vague directions we headed out hoping to find the falls. After paddling up the river and following the right side of the fork, we parking where we thought we ought to be and started the mile and a half hike. We relied on directions from those we ran into and discovered there was probably a dozen different routes to choose from! (which included going through the river at a few points!) 

All the hiking was well worth it though once we saw the falls!!!

We took a different route back (by tagging along behind a paid tour...haha) Once we eventually found our way back to our kayak (we lost sight of the tour and had to make up a route! oops...) we paddled back down and took the left side of the fork. We went as far as we could go until we reached the rapids and had to turn around. We were totally worn out from the kayaking and hiking so we returned it early even though we had it til the end of the day.

After lunch we headed to the south side of the island. We went through the tree tunnel which was so gorgeous! I couldn't get a very good picture though because we were driving.

We went straight to Spouting Horn and took in part of the south side of the island. 

Poipu Beach was perfect and definitely our favorite of all the beaches we saw! It had a great swimming area so I finally braved the ocean and the scary waves! haha I'm such a wimp. We saw a giant tortoise sun bathing on the beach and walked out on the sand bar.

After getting worn out swimming we drove through historic Koloa Town before heading back to the hotel. At dinner that night I discovered John doesn't actually hate all Chinese food and he loves Panda Express! Glad I finally talked him into trying it!

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