Wednesday, January 15, 2014

19 Weeks/ 20 Weeks /21 Weeks

21 Weeks
How Far Along: 21w 6d. . . Yes I know. I suck at pregnancy blogging for the last month! 22 weeks tomorrow

Baby Is The Size Of: A Mango. . . Then a banana. . . Now a pomegranate!

Baby's Development: Over the last 3 weeks baby has fully developed all 5 of his senses, and he has been practicing breathing motions and blinking! He's now about 10 1/2 inches long and weighs just under 13oz

Sleep: One word. AWFUL. I get up one to four times to pee, my back, hips and neck hurt constantly and I've developed this fun new symptom where my hands and feet itch constantly! It's the worst at night and I wake up scratching my feet to the point where it 's painful. I have to fall asleep with ice packs on my feet and I sit with my feet in ice water before bed. I called the nurse line at Group Health after a week of being miserable and they had me go in today for testing for cholestasis. I'm praying it's not, but I'd rather know now so I can start treatment. Until then, ice packs and a new prescription to help with the itching...

Movement: Finally thinking I'm feeling something!!!!! I'm so beyond excited! I found out today at my anatomy scan with Group Health that I have an anterior placenta (which means that the placenta is in the front of my belly rather than behind the baby towards my spine). This totally explains why it took so long for me to feel movement! I have no idea why it took 21 weeks for me to find this out... but I really wasn't happy with the care I received at Multicare so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Cravings: Cuties, fajitas (although I haven't had any in over two weeks! I'm dying!), pizza, cereal and milk. I used to hate drinking milk but now I'm totally happy with a glass of milk with ice cubes =)

Aversions: Not too much has been bothering me lately. The other day I did attempt to eat two hard boiled eggs for breakfast (1st time having eggs this pregnancy) but I ended up nauseous the entire morning. No more eggs for me!  

Gender: We have a little BOY!!!! Mommy's intuition was right! Can't wait to meet my little guy!

Best Moment This Week: Getting to see my little man today at my ultrasound! I think he might have John's nose! He's so precious and I'm so in love already!

Looking Forward To: Feeling more movements and getting started on all my nursery projects!

19 Weeks

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