Disclaimer: If my friends/family feel they might have said one of these things to me, please don't feel guilty. I know nobody said anything to be malicious and purposely hurt my feelings during this difficult time.
What NOT to say to a Miscarriage Survivor
At least you weren’t very far along. It doesn’t matter how far long I was, it was still a loss. This makes the grieving mother feel as if you are diminishing her grief. Many mothers have already built a connection with their baby even if they are still in the first trimester.
get pregnant again/ You can try again. I know that. But I wanted THIS baby.
Telling a grieving mother this is of no help. The goal is not just getting pregnant,
it’s actually having a baby.
you hear So and So is pregnant?! Of course I heard. I have access to facebook too. Please remember to be sensitive around those who have lost. This does
not mean you can’t talk about anything baby related, it just means to do so with
are you trying again? If I wanted to share this with you I’d bring it up. Please
don’t ask nosy questions. Most women will only share with you what they feel comfortable
with. Please do not put grieving women on the spot to answer your questions,
especially if you have never experienced the loss of a child yourself.
young. It will happen for you. No sh** Sherlock. I know I’m young and can get
pregnant again. This does not change the fact that I’m still grieving and you can't just replace one baby with another.
At least you weren’t
as far along as So and So when she miscarried. Please don’t make me feel as my
grief should be less than somebody else’s. Yes, somebody in their 2nd
or 3rd trimester was able to build that bond with their baby longer,
but that does not mean I should feel any less sad.
must have wanted that baby more than you did. Yes folks, these exact words were said
to me. I know what the person meant. But,
wrong delivery. NOBODY wanted this baby more than me. Period.
While I hope that nobody you know ever has to go through the pain of a
miscarriage, I know that realistically, 1 in 4 women will experience a
miscarriage in her life. Hopefully, this post will help you to be more sensitive if a friend/family member of yours does experience a loss. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post What To Say to a Miscarriage Survivor.
Please remember, these are my personal reflections and every woman grieves differently.
One more: "It's God's will". Not helpful. Best thing to say? "I'm sorry."
ReplyDeleteI just found out today about my miscarriage....Another thing people have told me is,"Just have faith. You can always try again." I have my problems with 'god' at the moment. I always have...So please, don't bring that up...
ReplyDeleteI had 3 miscarriages. My husband had to go in to work for 2 other guys while I was miscarrying and I was home alone with our 2 young children. I have only told people about our very first miscarriage bc I didn't want to burden people with my grief.
ReplyDeleteWas having my third miscarriage when my older sister who is 39 told me she was pregnant. She said if I would of known I wouldn't of told you. Then she said to me "If you want me to I can carry a baby for you." No exactly what I wanted to hear right then.
ReplyDeletefor me I get tire of "I'm sorry for your loss" after like th 100th time it becomes draining. I understand people don't know what to say in such situations, that is why I like facebook this way I can skim the words and not have to hear it, so many times and still know that people show that they care.
ReplyDeleteMy 4th miscarriage, my sister kept bringing up adoption. Adoption is great but, I wanted to be sad and think about my babies.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget, it's his loss too. I had two miscarriages and was so devastated that I forgot about my husband. He is also feeling pain.
ReplyDeleteI second everything you have said. So many people brush it off, and say it shouldn't bother you in different ways. I speak as one having had 4 miscarriages & 1 still birth (7 months). I also have 8 living children. When I had my last miscarriage at 47, at last nobody said the trite, "You can always have another one."
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you decided to speak up. When I had my miscarriage (only time I was pregnant) last month, I had no idea that this is such a common thing. I was wondering why no one speaks about it. It doesn't hurt less, but still the feeling that "I am not alone" is a big help.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, people can be terribly insensitive. They probably mean well, but 3 women asked me "what did you do? did you do something you shouldn't that caused it?" One other said, "you didn't look pregnant at all". I don't know what is that supposed to mean.
I think none of us would ever be able to get over it, we will just learn to live with it. Coming Mothers' Day will give me a lot of heartache, I know that. Also because it was right after Mothers' Day this year when I found out that I was pregnant. Sad stuff..
I've had 3 miscarriages, the 3rd is still going on and has been since Thursday. My first pregnancy was actually because of failed birth control (though Baby was much wanted and loved), but I'll never forget that night my mother came through the door, I told her I miscarried, and she asked if I had told my SO yet (I hadn't) and she said: "ah, letting him suffer a little longer"... Yes, Baby was unplanned, but hearing mum making her appear as a burden or as some kind of curse really upset me; it's really stuck with me since.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I am not alone! I am just going through this with my first pregnancy and only 2 months into marriage. I know my family (3 hours away) are completely supportive. My husband's parents (5 minutes away) are telling people who did not know I was pregnant! I do not know how to act to my in laws or my students, since I am a middle school teacher, to be my 100% self.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing that someone said to me was, "I don't know what to say to you except that I feel very sad that this has happened to you." The worst thing that someone said to me was from my substitute teacher who replaced me while I was absent. She told my class that, "This must have happened because her baby was an inter-racial baby." I had to 'unteach' my class when I returned to work as I recovered from my grief! Another woman, who was a miscarriage survivor herself, told me, "That's why you shouldn't tell people you're pregnant until after three months." To that I say, "BS." If you're excited about being pregnant, show it. I know I was overjoyed about mine even though we shared only four months. My miscarriage happened over 30 years ago and I still think of my baby. I can talk about it without crying now but the feelings I experienced back then are just below the surface and have made me more compassionate to others experiencing similar losses. The experience taught me so much!
ReplyDeletesomething that really saddens me is when people say "at least you can eat sushi/drink/do this or that again" i'd give up those things for my entire life if it meant not losing our child.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this. I hate feeling like I have to suffer in private and pretend I'm fine in public. It's comforting to know that at least I'm not suffering alone.
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks ago we found out that we were expecting our first baby. Two days ago at 6 weeks I ended up in the ER and found out today that it is indeed a miscarriage. My husband and I are devastated. Our baby had a heartbeat and I am being treated by friends as if it isn't that big of a deal. I pray they will never understand. Thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with everything you said. the one that got me the most that I hear so often is that you weren't that far along and thank goodness it was in your 2nd or 3rd. doesn't mean I'm not suffering. everyone who knows me knows that I have been waiting kids since I was 7, yes 7 I first begged my mother to have a 3rd child and that I will pick out the names but my mom didn't want 3rd kid so I decided to write the names down anyways and store them in a box so when I was ready I'd have there names ready. I have had my future child's names for 22 years. All I want is a family of my own. I do want to adopt but that is after I have had 3 of my own. I was 7 weeks when I lost my baby and My baby stayed in me for a whole week before he/she came out. knowing I am just waiting to lose my baby, knowing that he/she is no longer growing inside me, no longer with a heart beat is painful. I truly felt that I was lost, I felt like a failure. I'm currently trying again. I really hope I can have this next child. I have a question for you girls. Did any of you get to keep an ultrasound of your baby for those who lost your baby early. I didn't any all I have is the urine test and the hole in my heart as my memory.
ReplyDeleteMy cousin, whom I share a birthday with, just announced her pregnancy on Facebook. She’s 3 weeks further than I’m supposed to be right now. My own mom told me that it’s right for her to be pregnant because she’s married, but not right for me since mine was an accident.